Sunday, July 12, 2009

I am new to c programming and i am using win xp system. where can i get a free c compiler & how to install it?

i want to know that which compiler will work of windows xp system and after having a c compiler setup, how to install the same. and after that what are the steps to run the programme.

I am new to c programming and i am using win xp system. where can i get a free c compiler %26amp; how to install it?
You can get your answer in this question's answers...
Reply:You can't go wrong with GCC. Whether it's using Cygwin (which I don't recommend for reasons I'll state later), Dev-Cpp (a good IDE), and MinGW you'll be using the Gnu Compiler (GCC).

If you are new to C and programming in general, I would suggest using an IDE like Dev-Cpp to write your source and for the benefits of an IDE like syntax highlighting. I would suggest for you not to compile your source in the IDE, though. The best way to learn what you are doing is by compiling from the command-line. For this to work effectively, you would need to place 'C:\Dev-Cpp\bin' in your systems path.

Btw, I don't use Cygwin anymore because any binaries you compile with it inherently falls under the GPL. I have no problem with the GPL but there are other license issues that may arise from this restriction; namely I might wish to release some gear under a BSD style license. To avoid license issues which you may not understand just yet, just stay clear of Cygwin.

edit: With 'c:\dev-cpp\bin' in your path you can still download the MinGW compiler and program from that command-line isntead of using MS's command-line. It gives you a nice little Unix feel for things.
Reply:u can get a turbo C compiler From
Reply:Like said you really are better of with linux.

But... cygwin is a complier for windows
Reply:If it has to be windows, then try Borland. They are offering free editions of some of their products likes Turbo C++, Turbo Delphi and Turbo C#.

Also Microsoft are offering "Express" editions of Visual Studio, built on .NET etc. You could give that a try.
Reply:Click on this link below:

this site has free C compilers.
Reply:There is a c compiler in the market but its better to download c++ compiler which is freely avalaible everwhere. just search for turbo c++ compiler on google and download it.

then go to tc.exe or tcc.exe

write ur prog here, compile with alt+f9 and run it with ctrl+f9.
Reply:Basically you are better off downloading Linux as it is better equiped in running and compiling C programs.

You can have Windows and Linux running on the same hard drive. You just need to create a Linux partition.

The compiler is free with Linux as is everything else that goes with it.
Reply:u can choose "turbo-c" compiler for programming in c.when installing just double click it will automatically installed on ur is a DOS supported program.u can just type the prg

and run on the system.........

try to be well school in c. becoz which is the basic of all programs


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