Saturday, May 9, 2009

Help with C++ Compiler?

Hi, how can i compile a C++ program were my friends can use it without

having to download any additional software.

I have been using microsoft visual studio 2008 but the only way my friends are

able to execute that file is by downloading visual studio also.

- What is the best compiler to use for C++ and were can i find some help

getting it set up, because i used the code::blocks compiler early today and it

seems as though you have to have a diffrent compiler like microsoft 2008 or

the gnu compiler... All i want is some information like that.

- also how do you add an icon to your C++ file that you compiled.

My Friends and Family are either running windows XP or Vista so my main goal is to

get a compiler to were there operating system already contains the nessessary files

to run the compiled C++ program.

I am farly new to C++ if you can not tell.

Thanks in advance.

Help with C++ Compiler?
You do have everything. VS is all you need.

In VS go to the build options. In the options, set the build to "release" and not debug.

If you are writing a MFC program (don't think so; however, just in case), look under the project settings tab build configuration and set to "statically linked MFC library" instead of "dynamically linked." This second step will bind the MFC library to your exe (this one is different on different win machines).

Probably step 1 will solve your problem.

Now, just copy the ".exe" file from your \release\ folder and give it away. You're good to go.

Good luck.

EDIT: just saw the icon reference. In the project resource viewer, open the icon folder. There should be a program icon already in the folder--edit away. Or you can add a new one and do some whiz bang graphics with it!
Reply:You are really lost. Try worrying less for a start. Then know this...once you compile a C++ program, you can run the exe file on almost any computer that is MS compatible.

Try Visual Studio
Reply:You should be able to compile a program on VS express that runs on any Windows computer. You need to be sure you're building a .exe file. In VS 2008 it may require that .Net 3.0 or later is required on the target system (your family's and friend's) They can download this from Microsoft. Also you can build debug or release version in VS you should build release versions for other computers. If your program still require them to have VS to run then you need to look at your build settings and references. Make sure that you are building an exe file and that the references don't refer to something you aren't expecting in the target environment.

C++ compiler?

I have just started to program. then i wrote the "Hello world" program in C++. then i just had to compile it. but it's not working. i mean i have the file program on my desktop but when i want to run it nothing happens . can some1 help me ?

C++ compiler?
Stuff is happening... faster than you can see it. The program is exiting once it says hello. You can either run it from a command prompt to see its output, or add the following lines before the return statement:

printf("press any key to continue");

Reply:You probably have to run it from a command prompt.

Go to the start menu, choose run, type cmd in the box and click ok.

Then go to where your program is (i.e. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop) and type the name of the .exe for your program. If it isn't a .exe you probably didn't compile it right, but htat is a whole different set of issues.
Reply:Try running it from a command window. Probably now it's poping on up and it goes away to quickly to see what's happening.
Reply:if you need a C++ compiler here

C compiler?

what is a non-optimizing compiler?

C compiler?
"If the compiler is an optimizing compiler, one of these stages "optimizes" the machine language code so that it either takes less time to run or occupies less memory or sometimes both. "

"A non-optimizing compiler will generate code to multiply 45 by 88 and store the value in x. An optimizing compiler will detect that both 45 and 88 are constants, so their product will also be a constant. Hence it will find 45 * 88 = 3960 and generate code that simply copies 3960 into x. "

Reply:Compilers take your high level language code and break it down to machine language. During this process there are many opportunities to change what you've coded to make it run faster without changing the overall result. One easy instance of this would be making a one line block with an if statement in-line. A more complex example is taking a tail-recursive function and making it iterative. The point is, a 'non-optimizing' compiler doesn't attempt to make these changes, leaving your code as fat and slow as you'd like.


C# compiler?

Should I go with visual studio? I'm not familiar with the poor C#. Any other recommendation for a good looking brutal IDE for C#? Like netbeans/Jbuilder for Java...

C# compiler?
I am using the full version of Visual Studio but there are other free ones:
Reply:C# Express (really, MSDev, the same host application for all the .Net languages) does have a lot of menus and windows and options, but you'll find that you primarily only use some of them. And MSDN does have a lot of tutorials and documentation that goes over the IDE. I'd go with C# Express, you'll probably pick it up in a week or two.
Reply:VS is the best! You can even get a version for free

I have been using it for a long time and never had a reson to look at another C# compiler.


C++ Compiler?

Does anyone have a C++ compiler they like and works well. I'll looking for one and I would like to find one that would work easily. :) Thanks

C++ Compiler?
i use microsoft visual C++ in the visual studio suite. Sometimes Microsoft has its own proprietary functions that will not work when not compiled with visual studio though, so you would have to watch out for that.

on linux, i just use the native eclipse with c/c++ plugin. eclipse has a lot of features though so it might be a bit confusing if u're not used to it.
Reply:Try LCC-Win32
Reply:try microsoft visual studio express, or, if you're on *nix, just use gcc :)
Reply:There is a c++ compiler called Turbo c++, its easy to use. Find it out.
Reply:if you want a simple thing then we have GPP compiler

its not Graphical like Visual Studio but a CUI

C Compiler?

Where is a website where i can get a FREE C compiler? please give exact adress. Thanks:)

C Compiler?
Reply:Well, you haven't specified what OS you need the compiler for, so just enter into Google the following "free c compiler" and you'll find plenty. Borland is pretty fine for Windows...

C++ Compiler?

i am looking for a good free C++ Compiler that is easy for a new programmer

C++ Compiler?
I'm using DEV-c++ too, it's great, fast and free. Ensure you're donwloading the compiler too, not only the "notepad".
Reply:I use Dev-C++

C Compiler ??

Hi ! I have a windows xp titanium and I need a C compiler !!

I have searched with google, yahoo... but in vain.

So please tell me when can I find one.

And thank you a lot.

C Compiler ??
I've always liked GCC. You can get one version of it for Windows here:

Howvever, I've found it more useful to download a development environment called Dev-C++. It inclues the MinGW version of the GCC and G++ compilers. This will install everything you need to compile C (and for that matter C++) programs.

You can get it here:

I recommend the download under the label "Dev-C++ 5.0 beta 9.2 ( (9.0 MB) with Mingw/GCC 3.4.2"
Reply:You can use Unix C compilers on Windows using this package:

you can get Visual c++ express which supports all the c code you could want. It's free, just google it and download it.

You can also get GCC for windows, which is a completely free and full compiler (but it lacks a text editor, it's ONLY a compiler this is a good option but not for people who are just starting out)

Bloodshed Dev-C++ also supports c code I think. It's also pretty good.

look at this site:

giant list of free compilers!
Reply:Try Microsoft Visual C++ express, you can download it free from Microsoft Website. I don't think it does a Windows Genuine Advantage check before downloading so you should be OK with titanium edition. You can compile .EXEs and .dllls but some of the more advanced stuff is disabled.

I've used it at work to create some terminal based 32bit .EXEs and it worked fine.

Being C++ its backwards compatible with ANSI C although there are some differences in the way some of the standard libraries are implemented.


C++ Compiler?

Does anyone kow of a good compiler for C++? I don't want an IDE, cuz I've tried Code::Blocks and Dev-Cpp, but I just want the compiler. Any suggestions?

C++ Compiler?
Digital Mars C and C++ Compilers for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and DOS. Fastest compile/link times, powerful optimization technology, Design by Contract, complete library source, HTML browsable documentation, disassembler, librarian, resource compiler, make, etc., command line and GUI versions, tutorials, sample code, online updates, Standard Template Library, and much more.
Reply:For whatever product you are using, just use the compiler. You are not required to use any IDE if you don't want to. All the products expose the compiler as a separate executable. Just set up your make or build utility to use your compiler.

As far as which compiler to use, this question comes up at least once a week. Look in the question history.
Reply:The Dev c++ by bloodshed.

C compiler?

Where can I download a free C compiler for Windows? I have searched for compilers on google but I do not know which ones are reliable. Thanks.

C compiler?
A lot of people on Yahoo use Turbo C++ ..... available free at:


In my oppinion, Microsoft has a better one. Microsoft gives out a free program called Microsoft visual C++ Express ... go here to find it:
Reply:there is an open source gcc - I think in the GNU project. I got it to work under the Eclipse IDE, so I can do C or Java in the same free IDE.

I didn't get it to work without some headaches though - although it was worth it in the end.

If does not understand windows C language extensions though. Strictly C/C++ code.
Reply:There are a lot of compilers out there. You may try this site has a lot of compilers and interpreters for many languages all free. Download some try it and pick what you like best.

C++ compiler?

i need to download a C++ compiler. Do you know any website which offers a FREE C++ compiler?


C++ compiler?
I have often been disaspointed with free c, c++ on Windows. The runtimes are often not there or complete.

Best to get the whole environment for free like Linux for FreeBSD.. here are some major linux distros:

Knoppix, Ubuntu-live, Ubuntu or SuSE 10. Fedora.

places like cheapbytes sell the cd's if you cannot down load them.

below is a set of links I found with free compilers.

C compiler?

i need a free easy to use and easy to download c compiler. can someone give some advice? thanks

C compiler?
Microsoft's Visual Studio Express is free.

If you don't like Microsoft for some reason, you can also find

GNU GCC based compilers (try searching for cygwin).

some advice: learn c++

and get the free compiler dev c++



C++ compiler?

What do you think the most common C++ compiler is? GCC, Microsoft, Borland? I am just curious. Or if i am completely off on my question, help me out. THanks

C++ compiler?
Reply:From what i've seen, Dev C++ from is very popular
Reply:Borland is very good, but GCC is free :)

C++ compiler?

i downloaded microsoft visual C++ 2008 express edition. i can not run the code (start dubugging) so i need a compiler right? can someone help me to do this????


C++ compiler?
Get a Ruby on Rails or Ruby Code and use it to cross platform. Winders and most all OS's are based in C, or some variant.

C++ Compiler?

I need a good user friendly C++ compiler that works..

I got some Dev-C++ compiler, but it don't work.. not sure why.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to make it work or have a better / different compiler.

Thanks in advance.

C++ Compiler?
The Microsoft C++ compiler Visual C++ is pretty user friendly. You might want to try and get an older version though. One made before the NET Framework stuff was added. That might not be a problem though, depending on what you want to do with it.
Reply:Check out this webpage, and install the C++ compiler.

It should work fine.